The Best of Lisp

November 1, 2013

Edit: Dan Benjamin himself informed me that I missed the sarcasm boat here. I’m leaving the relevant bits, and cutting out the now irrelevant criticism.

I’m slowly working my way through the Back to Work podcast. I’m way behind, so please excuse that this post references an episode over 2 years old at this point.

Episode 11 was about “future proofing your passion”, among other things. In it, Merlin mentions that one thing you can do as a low risk investment in a programming career is to maintain current on new languages. He mentions Scala, Erlang, and Lisp as a few. With an uncharacteristic lack of self-awareness unusual amount of sarcasm, Dan expresses pretty much disdain and lack of interest in anything other than Ruby, even going as far as saying “Ruby took the best of Lisp”.

While Dan may have been joking, it is probably worth examining the relationship between Ruby and Lisp. As someone who has worked in Ruby and Lisp professionally, I feel uniquely qualified to talk about their relative strengths. While there are a ton of cases where Ruby clearly learned and copied from Lisp, there is also a laundry list of areas where Ruby failed to learn from Lisp’s successes and failures.


Being a functional language, functions are pretty important to Common Lisp. Ruby thankfully took some of the highlights from CL during its development, like a heavy emphasis on using map & filter over iterative loops, but it missed some important things.

CL only has one kind of function, the function. There are some nice syntax features for the way you define them, and a few extra features for how they’re called, but they’re all just functions. Some might be anonymous, while others might be bound to a symbol. Sometimes you call them by name, or with funcall or apply if you need to pass them around. Sometimes they’re a multimethod from CLOS which dispatches depending on the class of the argument, but at the end of the day they’re all just functions which behave the same. Ruby picked up on the idea of using different syntax for some functions (think Blocks), but for some reason included Procs and Lambdas as well. Most Rubyists I’ve met express confusion over what the exact differences are, and always say “Just use one kind and one kind only”.

Common Lisp also has much better syntax for parameters. In particular it provides for required and optional positional parameters, enumerated keyword parameters, and extra parameters to be collected into a list. Ruby learned well by also allowing default parameters to be evaluated at call time, but it ended up with a way worse syntax. Particularly bad is the way Ruby handles extra keyword arguments, simply dumping them into a lisp, optionally merging it on top of your default arguments hash if needed. CL provides a way for default values to be defined for keyword arguments in the method header, which is far cleaner than the Ruby way.


Ruby often gets compared to Common Lisp in its ability to produce Domain Specific Languages, or DSLs. Both blocks and Ruby’s special dispatch mechanisms are used and abused by programs such as Chef to create an easy interface between high level concepts and low level details.

And Ruby is pretty good at DSLs, I would estimate that it can hit a good 60-80% of the DSL cases fairly easily. But especially once you step outside the bounds of configuration DSLs like Chef, Common Lisp truly shines. In Ruby you can’t really add new syntax or special characters, and you can’t easily force it to recompile a given section of code to behave in a specific way.

But you can do that in Lisp. Lisp’s macros are so powerful, many languages are first prototyped as a large section of Lisp macros. Clojure was originally implemented in a few hundred lines of Lisp macros. This involved adding new meanings to symbols that don’t exist in CL, like { and }. But with Lisp’s reader and regular macros, this is perfectly reasonable.


One of the biggest weaknesses of Common Lisp was its weak standard. The standard did not specify a lot of common behavior, such as threading. The result was a proliferation of both libraries that were implementation specific, and libraries designed to bridge the gap, like Bordeaux Threads . At this point every library and application is so set in its ways, the chances of the standard being unified and fixed is almost none.

Yet somehow Ruby ended up with no spec at all, only a reference implementation. It’s so bad that the Rubinius people proudly proclaim that they created 20,000 specifications to as closely as possible match MRI, the reference implementation. While this is a laudable effort, I think the general opinion is that only the reference implementation is to be trusted, so most libraries assume that you’re not using Rubinius, MacRuby, or anything else. This is sad, because it means that the Ruby community is very unlikely to use anything other than MRI, no matter how good a competing runtime might be.

The Takeaway

I love Ruby. It’s a good language. But if you want truly mind opening programming moments, Lisp is the only way to go. No other language can give you the sense of “I can do anything” quite like it. I highly recommend every Rubyist at least try Common Lisp for a bit, to at least understand where their language of choice came from.

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